
Next Stop: Ephraim Elementary 5th Grades!

I'm really looking forward to my school visits next week to the Ephraim Elementary 5th Grade and Mrs. Powell's class at Legacy Prep Academy! We'll be talking about writing, reading, and excelling in what you do. I just got permission to visit all the schools in the Davis School District, so if your kids attend one of those schools, please talk to your principal/PTA about having me come to your school for a presentation. I don't expect any payment, and will donate a few of my books to your library as well.
Please understand that my presentations are not a sales pitch for my book. Some interest in the book will naturally be generated, and we'll use my book to talk about writing and reading, but my focus will be encouraging the kids to read, write and improve themselves in other areas as well.
That having been said, it would help me greatly if I could sell even a few books after the presentation to compensate for some of my time, and enable me to keep doing these presentations for free. I really want to give back to the school system as much as possible.
Thanks to everyone in advance who has or will read and pass along my book. It's wonderful to see each person's reaction to it, and see the light of adventure and learning in a children's eyes.


Just wanted to shout out a big THANKS to everyone who has purchased my book. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Let me know what you think about it! You can give reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Shelfari, or my new website. Thanks!

New Author Website!

My new Author Web Page is a work in progress, but it's up. Bonus scenes, book reviews, a map of Aquatia and a place to ask questions or request school visits. Check it out here and let me know what you think!

1st School Visit!

I'm really excited to announce my first school classroom visit! It'll be in Mrs. Powell's class at Legacy Prep Academy. See when I'll be there, and request your own visit, on my new Author Website:, under the "About the Author" tab. I hope to do many more visits to both classrooms and schools in the coming days. Currently, I am working with the Davis County School District to get on their list of approved Authors, so I can visit any school in the district.
Again, if you'd like to request a visit, click here and fill out the form.
Thanks, and happy reading!